Saturday, December 22, 2007

Honda Econo Power Contest

Honda Econo Power Challenge. About 500 vehiles took part. The goal to travel as far as possible on a set amount of fuel. Held on 27 Oct, 2007 at Surin airport

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Shards of Photography - Rangefinder photography

Money flows like water:

Money seemingly flows like water. Here near the geographical center of South East Asia. Cash pours from my hard earned accounts like rain from a spent typhoon onto a parched ancient Asian landscape. Here where things are cheap the, money seems to dissipate like vapor into the atmosphere. The Baht/Dollar rate is now, as of today, Monday 20th of December at 1259AM, 33.78 to the dollar.

We have been fixing the house in the village. The upstairs a teak structure about 40-50 years old but built on some existing artifacts of beams at least 150 years old. So the intent was to preserve, in fact highlight these elements. The result, while not perfect was pleasing. “Pang” as they say in Thai (Expensive),. “If things are cheap, they are not always easy”. And if things are expensive the are not always easy.

I sometimes feel as if I'm living in a Thai soap opera but with out all the sound effects. Pulled this way and that by the whims of others. The drama is there to be sure, whether or not I want it. It is brought into my life by others. But I must take responsibility for my actions and the results. Though photographically speaking, despite my best efforts seems to be lacking.

So the money has flowed, onto a seemingly arid landscape and dissipated as if into the air. Has it accomplished any good? Only Buddha surely knows, perhaps Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu know. And the wizened old monk who passes me at the Wat, and seems to look right through your soul,
perhaps he knows. Or some think they know. But I do not . Yet I am at peace about it, as it is, only water.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Keep your toes crossed

I never saw anyone who could do this. My girl friend seems to do this on a regular basis! Good luck? Also all her friends can seem to do it with no problem. I guess it's not that big of a deal.
OK, Chok dee!

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rain Train to Surin

I arrived in Surin 03 Oct, 2007 at 0503 in the morning under a weak gray sodden sky in the midst of was once a typhoon, now pouring its once vicious heart onto the SE Asian landscape in a gentle deluge. It was an incessant drizzle like a fine mist falling, seemingly for days, wet to be sure but giving one the impression of being underwater. Now coming home after almost a year, I find the damp to have encroached upon my photographic equipment in the form of molds and mildews. So began the struggle , a seemingly acclivitous advance toward my destination of Fine Art Photography. I had resolved to work mainly in large and medium formats. Bringing with me an 8x10 Rochester View camera with four lenses and a Hassleblad 500C with 3 lenses.

I thought it would be easy, but as usual it has not. It seems that nothing is easy. Everything that could go wrong has. My developers weren't working, I tried mixing my own (Cafenol-C). Still no solid results, so when in BKK next I bought some raw chemical to make more developers. Having better results but not totally satisfied with the work yet!

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