Honda Econo Power Contest
Labels: econo power, Honda, motorcycles, Thailand
Art, Photography and life
Labels: econo power, Honda, motorcycles, Thailand
Money seemingly flows like water. Here near the geographical center of South East Asia. Cash pours from my hard earned accounts like rain from a spent typhoon onto a parched ancient Asian landscape. Here where things are cheap the, money seems to dissipate like vapor into the atmosphere. The Baht/Dollar rate is now, as of today, Monday 20th of December at 1259AM, 33.78 to the dollar.
We have been fixing the house in the village. The upstairs a teak structure about 40-50 years old but built on some existing artifacts of beams at least 150 years old. So the intent was to preserve, in fact highlight these elements. The result, while not perfect was pleasing. “Pang” as they say in Thai (Expensive),. “If things are cheap, they are not always easy”. And if things are expensive the are not always easy.
I sometimes feel as if I'm living in a Thai soap opera but with out all the sound effects. Pulled this way and that by the whims of others. The drama is there to be sure, whether or not I want it. It is brought into my life by others. But I must take responsibility for my actions and the results. Though photographically speaking, despite my best efforts seems to be lacking.
So the money has flowed, onto a seemingly arid landscape and dissipated as if into the air. Has it accomplished any good? Only Buddha surely knows, perhaps Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu know. And the wizened old monk who passes me at the Wat, and seems to look right through your soul,
perhaps he knows. Or some think they know. But I do not . Yet I am at peace about it, as it is, only water.
Labels: Baht, Dollar, house, Money, SE Asia, Thailand, village
Labels: crossed toes, girlfriend
Labels: Bangkok, Hualongpong Station, Photography, Rain, Surin, Thaland, Train