Monday, July 10, 2006

Surawittayakarn School

I have just been teaching English at Surawittayakarn School here in Surin for a month. I was teaching Jr. High students in 6,7, 8th grades. It was in fact a unique and rewarding experience.I have come to realize that teaching is a demanding profession and can really respect the teachers for what they do. I had it somewhat easy as every class was different and I could use the same lesson plan throughout the week. Classes I taught averaged about 50 students each so I was teaching about 600 students a week. Each class had their own personality and for the most part I was shown a great deal of respect. I have been offered to stay on and teach and that is always a future possibility. But for now the job search has commenced and I should be working aboard ships again soon.

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The following is an excerpt from the piece I wrote for the school paper.
My time teaching here at Surawittayakarn School has been a tremendous experience. I feel truly honored to have been able to teach at your school. The students have been enthusiastic and have shown a willingness to learn. The respect I was shown, by the students, staff and teachers of Surawittayakarn was sincerely appreciated by me. With out a doubt the happiness and fun nature of the Thai people and their culture have stood out. It is not without some sadness that I leave from my short stay as a teacher in your school. I thank all the other English teachers and my colleague Mr. Guy Gimson for all their help and understanding.